Best CRM VoIP Integration

All business organizations would love to keep the right digital tools at their disposal to support their business operations right from the organization’s internal working style to its external interactions with customers. In these cases, the company will already be having VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol) communication phone systems, along with CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software.    

Integration of VoIP Office with the CRM software helps in providing a perfect communication and information system which helps customer service personnels to support customers based on their requirements, interests and practices. A solidly built CRM integration process helps in saving valuable time along with an increase in the number of sales that helps to retain existing customers and bring in new ones. The concept of VoIP with CRM integration helps in boosting the growth of businesses. 


VoIP System 

VoIP systems are communication solutions that allow voice calls to get transmitted over the broadband internet connection instead of the usual traditional phone landlines. This communication solution helps in converting analog voice signals into digital data packets that get broadcasted over the IP (Internet Protocol) networks. 

VoIP helps business organizations to receive and make calls by making use of devices like smartphones, computers, VoIP enabled desk phones, that are connected to the internet. 

VoIP communication systems offer flexibility, cost savings, scalability and various other advanced features that are better than the features of a traditional phone system. 


CRM Software 

CRM software is a customer relationship management tool that is being mapped out to help business organizations to manage and take care of their relationships with the customers. CRM software helps in providing a centralized database for storing details of customers, managing sales and marketing, tracking interactions, customer service activities and others. 

With the selection of the right CRM tool for solving key tasks, the organizations will be able to gain a valuable insight about their customers and enhance customers experience along with optimizing their sales processes.    

By choosing the right CRM for key tasks, organizations can gain valuable insights into their customer base, improve customer satisfaction, and at the same time increase their sales. 


VoIP – CRM Integration  

The global VoIP market, as per Business wire is anticipated to reach $183.7 billion by the end of the year 2027, which depicts the success of VoIP among the business organizations around the world. 

Integration of CRM with VoIP is one of the procedures for blending Voice over Internet Protocol technology with CRM software that helps in creating a flawless communication along with data management solution.  

The integration of VoIP with CRM enables business organizations to synchronize their customer information, along with the existing recorded call data. Even the communication history between these platforms helps in making use of the recorded information in the CRM software for outbound marketing. It helps in preserving quality communications between customers and office teammates. 

The integration of VoIP with CRM software is the connection between CRM and a VoIP phone system. All the relevant information required will be synced between the two tools, which helps in combining their powers, that helps to provide flawless communication between the company and the customers.  

After integrating VoIP phone system with CRM account, all relevant information regarding every client’s activity can be gathered effectively. Whenever a new user contacts the company via phone, their details will get automatically updated in the database of CRM and it does not require any form of manual updating from the administrator’s side. 

Based on the CRM information, follow-up of events and various other tasks can be connected to the existing business, which helps the organizations to understand the way callers interact with their customer support staff while on a call. Based on these calls future marketing strategies can be developed. 


How Does VoIP CRM Integration Work? 

With the integration of VoIP CRM, it makes sure that there exists proper coordination between these two tools which enables smooth communication and exchange of data.  The chosen CRM tool must be compatible with VoIP solutions. VoIP CRM integration works by, 


Integration Of API 

The VoIP communication system and the CRM software should have compatible APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) that help easy access of data exchange. The APIs help in establishing the connection between these two systems that accredit flawless integration with one another. 

Synchronization of Data 

After the integration of APIs, these services synchronize their existing databases that ensures that the customer call logs, customer information and the communication history are maintained up to date in both the systems. Proper syncing of CRM software with the VoIP phone system enables getting accurate reports for analysis. 

Automatic Call Logging 

With the outgoing and incoming calls, the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system catches call details including caller ID, call outcomes and call duration. These details are automatically logged into the CRM platform, removing the requirement for manual data entry. 

Click to Call Functionality  

After the integration of VoIP and the CRM software, the users can call directly from their existing CRM by clicking on the phone number.  This feature helps in streamlining the calling process and lessen the need to switch between the applications. 

Pop-Up Caller Information 

The CRM system fetches the customer data that relates to the caller ID, whenever an incoming call is received, the relevant customer details pop up on the screen. This helps the employees to get the relevant customer information and provides customized service without any delay. 

Call Recording & Transcription 

Integration of CRM and VoIP system includes the ability to record all the inbound and outbound calls and transcribe them for future reference. All these transcriptions and recordings can easily be linked to the customer records in the CRM system, that provides a complete view of interactions with the customer that facilitates quality affirmation along with the training procedure. 

Automation Of Tasks 

Based on the calling events, integration enables automation of certain tasks. Like, after the sales call, the system will automatically create follow-up tasks or even schedule appointments in CRM software, which ensures that the important measurements are never overlooked. 

Reporting & Analytics 

CRM integration with VoIP helps in enhanced reporting along with analytical adeptness by combining the CRM data with the relevant call data.  Depending upon the call volume, conversion rates, call duration and customer satisfaction criteria, businesses can raise detailed reports. These insights help in identifying the trends by evaluating the performance and reproducing data that is driven to improve business.  


Benefit From VoIP CRM Integration  

With the invention of cloud-based software for increasing productivity, integration of VoIP CRM is considered the best way to connect with customers effectively and smoothly run the sales process. A few benefits of VoIP CRM integration include,   

  • CRM VoIP integration helps in effective gathering of data from the application automatically with improved accuracy, which makes the agents focus on their sales.  
  • All new calls display the customer details, like name, previous purchase history and other details that help to save time and money in the long run. 
  • All operations are streamlined where time consuming tasks like logging calls, scheduling follow-ups are eliminated as it is automated. 
  • Advanced time saving features like call transfer, click to call can be accessed which increases the customer service department’s efficiency. 
  • Pop-up screens having customer details help in displaying the relevant information the employees require, which could be useful to help customers. 
  • The customer service agents can access all the details of customers’ conversation history on previous calls made, which removes the need for callers to repeat themselves to different agents for the same requirement. This improves customer satisfaction. 


 CRM Software’s 

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 

It is available as a cloud-based system and offers on-premises installation too. The version CRM4 is customizable by using advanced extensions that help provide features like dashboards, visualizations, grid filters, document management, dialogs, custom activities and more. The integration of CRM software Microsoft dynamics with VoIP helps in creating new call records automatically.  

Sales Force Integration 

It is a cloud-based software company that provides CRM services. It is a popular tool among sales teams, support teams and marketing teams across the world. It has features like automatic call logs, case creation and actual call notes feature. This CRM software allows business houses to use cloud technology for connecting with their customers, partners and prospective customers. 

Sugar CRM Integration 

It is one of the most popular customer relationship managements (CRM) software with a simple user interface that is used by different organizations spread across numerous industries. 

ZOHO Integration 

It is a cloud-based management software for customer relationship that helps in marketing, managing sales and customer support in a single system. It supports businesses of all sizes in a smart way.  

HubSpot Integration 

HubSpot is a business growth management platform – CRM software that takes care of the existing contacts, details regarding company sales, digital marketing and any future sales leads too. 



Integration of CRM with VoIP Office software brings together the VoIP phone system and CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software wherein all the relevant information is automatically synced between these two tools. 

CRM software helps in allowing the user to record all details along with customer interaction details effectively. With this syncing of VoIP phone system and CRM software, customer service personnel’s workload gets reduced. There is no requirement to feed the customer details into the CRM software manually after ending a call. 



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