Conan Exiles: Why Does My VoIP Not Work in Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles
VoIP Not Working in Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles is being portrayed as a savage video game that was developed by the gaming company, Funcom, for PlayStation 4 on Windows, and Xbox One. This game is set in ancient medieval times when ancient evils, magic, giants existed in the world of Conan the Barbarian. Here one of the main characters that is fit to be played on by gamers is rescued by Conan, who is shown as a barbarian when it comes to his fighting skills. The entire game is full of the adventures that both these characters must face during their journey together in the entire game from start to the end.   

The video game, got released in the year of 2017. The game developers later made an advanced version of the game. It was for the Xbox Series X and also for Series S that was later released on 8th June 2021.  

Sometimes during the streaming of the game, a few players complain that their VoIP is not working in the video game. But with VoIP



Office connection, these problems get easily resolved.  

Reasons for VoIP not Working in Conan Files Game 

  • When a Steam account is already being used on another computer.  
  • The audio improvement feature that is built-in sometimes causes a glitch in the microphone.  

Solutions for Voice Chat Not Working   

Valve Corporation created a digital platform named Steam that serves as a distributor of PC games. With the help of the Steam client, the users will be able to install PC games (even Conan Exiles)   directly online to their cloud drives right after their purchases. The users of Steam can post their reviews, buy DLCs (downloadable content), and can also upload self-made content along with many other options that are available for users. Solutions for voice chat not working include,  

You should use Right Microphone  

If the mic is not working while working on Windows 10 during steaming of the video game Conan Exiles, then it is essential to check whether the right microphone is being used. Click on the settings of the microphone and change the settings as required for optimal clarity of voice.  

Sign Out from Other Computer  

Sometimes, the Steam voice chat may not work because the same Steam account is being used on another computer. The best way to fix this error is to log out from the Steam account from another computer. Then restart the steam.  

Audio Enhancements  

Other causes, like voice chat not working, may be due to audio enhancements. Turning off the settings of audio enhancements might solve this issue.  

Privacy Settings  

If the steam mic is not working on the Windows 10 platform, then the privacy settings can be changed to solve this issue. The privacy option to change can be found on the settings menu.  

Record Microphone  

Sometimes, allowing Steam to record microphones may solve the issue of voice chat not working. The “Record my Microphone” option can be found when clicking on the broadcasting tab in the settings menu. After selecting this option, the steam must be restarted to check if the issue is solved.  


Common VoIP Problems

 Common VoIP Problems of Conan Exiles   

One of the alternatives to the standard landline communication systems is VoIP phones when playing the video game Conan Exiles. These VoIP phones offer better call quality and dependability that is just a fractional cost of the traditional phone lines or even a PBX. When troubled with dropped connections and choppy audio, people get frustrated. A few common problems of VoIP include,  

Poor call quality   


VoIP calls are data packets that get broadcasted in real time, and if any disruptions occur, then the voice packets reaching the concerned IP address will start getting audio in choppy, delayed, or distorted forms.  

Poor Bandwidth  

For crystal-c crisp, clear VoIP calls to be made, there should be sufficient downstream and upstream internet speeds. When the bandwidth of the existing network gets full or if there is an instability in the existing internet network, then the call audio quality should fall back to the lower-bandwidth audio formats that are reliable so that there won’t be any call drop in the calls made.  

Network Jitter  

Whenever there is an internet network traffic jam, VoIP calls could get choppy and uneven. It is called network jitter, which is one of the leading causes of many call quality issues during calls.  

Packet Loss  

Internet network issues could give rise to data packets getting dropped completely. It notably impacts the quality of the calls made.  

Irregular QoS (Quality of service) Settings  

If VoIP traffic is not given its due importance, then the call quality will sound choppy mainly due to the loss of packet and jitter. Which indirectly makes other networks compete for the existing bandwidth.  

Fixing Choppy Voice  

Mainly insufficient upload and download speeds are the main cause of choppy voice.  A few tips to fix a choppy voice include,  

  • Sanctioning QoS (Quality of Service) on the existing router helps in giving importance to the VoIP traffic.  
  • It is always advisable to make use of the existing wired ethernet connection. As the signal strength from the wired connection is always stronger than a Wi-Fi signal. 
  • It is advisable to turn off unused applications like Netflix, YouTube, VPNs, guest networks, and other high-capacity streaming services.  
  • Placing the phones on a VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) helps in separating them from the other existing network traffic. 

Dropped Calls  

  • Dropped calls occur mainly due to disconnection from the existing internet network. It mostly happens when making outbound calls when the network is being used heavily.  
  • Another reason is the firmware is not UpToDate on the device. A call to the service provider will fix this issue.  
  • User Datagram Protocol (UDP) timeout stays open on a firewall, or the router could cause dropped calls.  
  • Even though UDP network traffic is fast, it makes the firewalls close and terminates the calls unexpectedly because it lacks the error-checking capabilities TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) offers.  

Fixing Dropped calls  

  • Troubleshoot problems regarding internet connectivity. Make use of wired connections or mesh Wi-Fi if the signals are not strong.
  • Re-registering VoIP phones by resetting them with the VoIP Off
  • ice server helps fix the dropped calls issue to some extent.  
  • Make sure VPNs, firewalls, or even routers are not blocking access to VoIP ports.  
  • Make sure the router is adjusted for longer UDP (User Datagram Protocol) timeouts.  
  • By going through built-in-phone graphs and logs the quality of the internet network can easily be monitored.  
  • Making use of PoE (Power over Ethernet) switches helps in providing consistent connectivity even during electrical cuts or even Wi-Fi drops.  

VoIP Call Echoing  

Whenever a call echoes, the user will hear their voice or sometimes even the call receiver’s voice coming back repeatedly. It is one of the most common problems and usually happens due to problems with the headset, device or even sometimes the network issue.  

Fixing Call Echo  

  • It is essential to check the VoIP phone communication system properly. Make sure there is no damage to the system and everything is properly plugged in.   
  • Sometimes, even the problem could just be due to the earphone voice being kept louder than the usual tone. This problem could be solved by just covering the microphone and also reducing the volume of earphones.  
  • When the VoIP equipment is placed close to other electrical equipment, it may cause electromagnetic interference. Therefore, make sure that the computer, phone, power strip, and VoIP consolidated devices are not near and placed apart.  
  • Even if the VoIP equipment is defective, it could cause echo issues. Then replacing the old phones is the most durable solution.  

Calls of Low Quality  

Calls that are of low quality make people angry.  The customer is disappointed as it is not what they have paid for. A network that is unstable, or even if there are high volume call pressures on the existing network, could lead to low-quality VoIP calls. Therefore, it is always essential to make sure that the network is working in its finest condition.  

Fixing Low-Quality Calls  

  • Make sure that the cables used for networking of the devices are of better quality.  
  • YouTube and Netflix applications run on high bandwidth. Make sure they are not running.  
  • Monitor the speed of the internet regularly, as there may exist poor bandwidth which is causing echo in the VoIP system.   
  • If bandwidth is acceptable, then make sure that the quality of service is set to give importance to the VoIP system.  

Unable To Make Outbound Calls   

There is no reason to panic if outbound calls get disabled. It is not a big problem as it could be quickly resolved. The problem could be because the two routers could be obstructing the flow of data packets. It could be due to network layout and not router configuration.  

Fixing Outbound Calls Issue  

  • The SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) layer gateway has to be disabled.  
  • Check if either of the two routers is obstructing the flow of data packets or if a Network Address Translation (NAT) is happening twice.  
  • Placing VoIP phone system on a Virtual LAN is a good alternative.  

Breach in Security  

  • VoIP communication systems sometimes become unsafe due to a breach in their security. Techniques like packet sniffing allow cybercriminals to listen to the decoded calls that get routed via internet connections.  
  • VoIP communication systems sometimes fall prey to deceptive international charges. This causes a few of the VoIP providers not to include encryption as a default option.  

Fixing Security Breaches  

  • Make sure that the systems and the phones are security patched are even their default passwords are reset.   
  • It is advisable to use VPN connections for securing sections of network that carries VoIP traffic.  
  • Subscribing to a reliable VoIP Office service will help in strengthening VoIP security.     

Calls Connecting to Voicemail  

Calls connected to voicemails incur costs both to the customers and their suppliers. It is not the company’s fault if their phones do not ring when their customers call and instead get connected to voicemail. But they will not understand that.  

Fixing Connection to Voicemail   

  • Make sure that DND (Do Not Disturb) is not in active mode on the phone.  
  • Call forwarding settings need to be checked and make sure all the phones are properly registered with VoIP service provider that keep these phones in active condition.    

Only One Phone is Working  

Sometimes the customer comes with a complaint that only one phone is working, and the other one is not working. This could be the problem due to the non-registration of the MAC address of the existing VoIP phone systems.  

Fixing the Phone  

  • Using a familiar work location and the network port, test both the phones, that is, the normal working phone and the one not working.  
  • If the normal phone is working at both places and the other phone is not working, then the problem is with the phone only.  
  • If there is an Ethernet drop, one phone may not work in that location.  
  • If the MAC address is not registered, then it is advisable to contact the VoIP service provider for configuring the firmware update.  
  • Even after the necessary updates, the problems are not solved, then the device must be replaced.  

Router Not Configured Properly  

If the router equipment is wrongly configured, then it will not work, even if rebooted one hundred times. One of the main causes for terrible internet connection is because only one router is used for both voice and data, which causes issues in VoIP call quality.  

One can have only one router for both voice and data, but provided the router gives importance to VoIP traffic over other data transactions. If not, then it will cause problems with VoIP call quality. For instance, if one of the users starts downloading a huge data file during an ongoing VoIP call, then the call quality will be degraded.  

VoIP Problems


Even though VoIP calls face a few problems on some days, it is solvable. Moreover, VoIP calling has revaluated the business dynamics and the business houses using it know it is one of the most important assets for building a business up and running. Therefore, there are no worries.  


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